To all our Pabulum People
I am writing to you as promised with my first Covid-19 blog.
It is my intention to keep you all updated with events in and around Pabulum that effect you and to remind you of our responsibilities during these very difficult and challenging times.
Over the Easter holidays 10% of our business remains open, and once we are through the holiday period another 10% will re-open, meaning at that point 20% of our business is open. So, I would like to thank all our people who are still working and continue to do a fantastic job, putting themselves on the front line to provide a pivotal role during this very difficult time. I am very grateful for their continued dedication.
This then means 80% of our business is closed and will be for the foreseeable future. We have applied for 90% of our people to be furloughed, this includes not only people working in our kitchens, but also our Fleet Office Staff, our Operational Team, and Development Chefs.
Whilst a large part of our business is currently closed, what is still happening at Pabulum?
Well as it happens a key piece of work; the continued upgrade of RedSky our Finance System and the parallel run of our new integrated HR & Payroll system, known as Midland HR, is happening in April with the launch of employee self-service. This means that your payslips will be on line but further communications will be coming out in due course to help you understand how to log in and access the information. When everybody does return to work our new IT Infrastructure will almost be complete. A big shout out must go to Sara Arbon and Lisa Moyles who have been working tirelessly, long days and weekends to ensure this proves to be a huge success for Pabulum.
With my Leadership Team we have started planning the re-opening of our business, how will we do this, what will it look like, when will we do it and what training will need to be provided to get everyone mobilised once again.
But for now I want to reach out to every employee of Pabulum, I am immensely proud of what you, I and the team do, and I want to wish you during these very difficult times, the best possible Easter Break, please stay safe.
Like everyone else, I shall be at home with my family, Fiona, Holly & Ben, making the very best of these times. In fact, on Good Friday we will be playing Bingo.
Eyes down everyone.
Stand tall and stand proud.